National Cancer Awareness Day program @SAMCE
National Cancer Awareness Day program @SAMCE
On account of National Cancer Awareness day and also to educate the educators and student teachers of SAMCE who’s going to be educating a whole generation someday, an awareness programme was organised by the RRC members of our college. Dr. John Sam Arunprabhu, an Associate Professor and Ms. Shanti from CSI Jeyaraj Annabaakiyam College of Nursing were invited to take the lead and pave the path of awareness. A lot of information regarding the symptoms of Breast Cancer, the importance of its early diagnosis and early treatment were given. Small steps to prevent the condition were also taught to the audience. A few students from CSI Jeyaraj Annabaakiyam College of Nursing, to make the awareness programme reach a wide audience, performed a Dubsong and Mime that said the importance of being aware of the condition. Cancer is already a battle for a lot of people. Some win. Some survive. But some don’t. Let’s support the fighters. Admire the survivors and honour the taken. Also, on this day, let’s come together and take an oath to educate ourselves and those around us regarding this battle so that we can avoid a bigger war tomorrow.