
Proficiency and Competency SAMCE believes that an ideal teacher is a compounding of knowledge proficiency and performance competency. Hence, the primary importance is to make every student - teacher - feel self-confident, saturate and mature to make his/her period of training an exciting and joyful experience. This necessitates, periodical assessment through scheduled tasks and tests to evaluate and grade the students as Brilliant/Competent/Intelligent/Smart. SAMCE follows a continuous and comprehensive evaluation system. This system ensures that the academic, co curricular and socio-curricular activities, personality, physical and emotional stability of the student teacher are assessed equally at regular intervals, with due weightage for all aspects. Based on the overall assessment, the student - teachers are categorized.
SAMCE maintains a track record of every individual student teacher's achievements, attainments, attitudes, outlook and proficiency/competency in its progress card system. This is one of the most pride filled innovations and also an extraordinary feature of SAMCE. The progress report portrays the personality of the student - teacher in all aspects of academic and non-academic participation and performance. Each and every aspect of the student teacher's personality in his/her academic and non-academic involvement is communicated to the parents/guardians through the progress report system. Student - teacher's academic excellence is assessed through regular examination schemes which comprise unit tests, term tests, revision tests and model examinations. Student - teachers appearing for University Examination are given rigorous training by conducting adequate number of revision examinations. They are also given slip, cycle and surprise tests which enable them to master the significant concepts.
SAMCE is proud of its outstanding results in the University Examinations which has brought a benchmark. Student - teachers are honoured by giving Proficiency Prizes and All Rounder Awards for scholastic achievement and top scores in the University Examination.